Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Minecraft Intermedate Guide

This is the guide for people who are not beginers or people who have been playing for a long time. This time is how you get your first diamond. Lets start the guide! Okay so, to get diamond, you need a pickaxe like an Iron pickaxe. So, use your stone pickaxe to mine and if you find this rock with white patches in it that is iron. So mine it. You will get the same thing called an Ore. If you are wondering "Is this it?" Its not it. You need a furnace. If you have a furnace, good, if you don't then you can mine some stone or if you already have stone you can make it at the crafting table. Okay, once you have your furnace you need to cook the iron ore. First you need sticks, wood planks, wood, or coal. Then you put the iron ore in the top box of the furnace and the fuel in the bottom part of the furnace, then wait. Once it's done, you can get some sticks and make a iron pickaxe(s). Once you have it, mine to the world's core which is bedrock. You can tell its bedrock because you CANT break it and it looks different. The mine stairs 2 blocks high and then to know that you found diamond, you see a ore with blue in it, light blue because there is Lapis which is dark blue. If you found yellow ore while you were mining, you might want to get that. Its gold(aka butter or budder thats what Sky calls it). Then mine the diamond once you find it. You might want to use gold pickaxes if iron doesn't work. Make it the same way you did with iron. Then you mine it and get the diamond mineral no smelting (aka cooking). Now you have your first diamond! Its rare!

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